
  1. Strategy and resource allocation

    As per 3.3 and 3.36 of the IR Framework, Orange clearly and concisely communicate their strategy regarding technological innovation, and how thid will create value over the long term. They present metrics in a bold manner to demonstrate their rollout of 5G, and explain how the technology is aligned with their strategy. 

  2. Strategy and resource allocation

    ABN Amro demonstrates excellent future orientation and strategic focus in the strategy section of its 2020 IR. The Bank identifies 10 key strategic targets for 2024 against specific metrics. These are all linked to its three strategic pillars. Besides these strategic targets, operational strategic targets have also been set for each year leading up to…

  3. Performance

    The company reports on progress metrics in a transparent and clear way. They use a table format  that includes bespoke KPIs whose aim to is to allow stakeholder to evaluate the company's transformation

  4. Risks and opportunities

    In its 2019 Integrated Report, Arguden Governance Academy concisely represents how it manages its risks and opportunities. Using a table format, Arguden outlines the specific risks (both external and internal) that can affect its ability to create value in the short, medium and long term, as well the time-frame of their occurrence, how they are…

  5. Governance

    In accordance with para. 1.20 of the International <IR> Framework, the report includes a statement illustrating the responsibility of those charged with governance for the integrated report as well as the involvement of the Board of Directors, through its Committees, and the Board of Statutory Auditors in the preparation and presentation of the document. It…

  6. Performance

    At the beginning of the report, FMO clearly outlines their approach to stakeholder engagement: how they have been engaged, and how the relationship contributes to FMO’s long-term objectives, which adheres to Section 3D of the International <IR> Framework. This is then followed by a connectivity table which links each of the material topics to key…

  7. Business model

    Key content elements of the York Timber’s Integrated Report is clearly structured around the six capitals (Section 2C of the International <IR> Framework). The business model diagram succinctly sets out key inputs for each capital the organisation leverages to carry out its business operations and the outcomes, followed by an overview of trade-offs between capitals…

  8. Business model

    The stakeholder discussion, which is an integral part of the business model section, clearly sets out the organisation’s key stakeholder groups, and the short-term and long-term value created for each group in a simple table format (Section 3C of the International <IR> Framework). The same section uses icons to highlight how each stakeholder group is…

  9. Governance

    United Utilities make a clear link between governance (Section 4B of the International <IR> Framework) and value creation in their 2019 Corporate Governance Report. The report includes tables which summarise a number of board activities during the year through concise bullet points for seven overarching topics (such as ‘leadership and employees’ and ‘strategy’). Each of…

  10. Business model

    Thai Oil’s integrated report clearly distinguishes ‘outputs’ from ‘outcomes’ (paras. 4.18-4.20 of the International <IR> Framework). In the business model diagram, the organisation’s products, waste and by-products are concisely outlined through quantitative information (para. 4.18). Then, outcomes to the organisation and to other stakeholders are presented through quantitative and qualitative information and articulated on the…