ING · Annual Report 2015 · Strategy and resource allocation

  • Conciseness
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

In answering to the question “Where does the organization want to go and how does it intend to get there?” (“Strategy and resource allocation”, para. 4.27, p. 27 of the International <IR> Framework), the “Our Strategy and Progress” section describes the purpose of the organization, as depicted by the “Think Forward” motto, illustrated in terms of rationale, activities implemented and macro-economic challenges to be faced (p. 7). This is followed by a graph which clearly depicts how the “Purpose” and the “Customer promise” are aligned with “Strategic priorities” and “Enablers”. Eight of these are the key actions and underlying approaches which the organization has focused on during its value creation process (p. 9). Finally, each strategic priority and enabler is concisely described in relation to its organizational meaning, the related initiatives undertaken and the results achieved. The latter are reported within boxes which provide insights into the experiences in the geographical areas or business segments, in both narrative and numerical terms. There is also the ability to obtain more information through the use of “Read More” icons that refer to specific sections of the Report (pp. 10-12), as aligned with the <IR> Framework in terms of “logical structure and use of internal cross-references as appropriate to limit repetition” (“Conciseness”, para. 3.38, p. 21 of the International <IR> Framework).

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