· Strategy and resource allocation

  • Conciseness
  • Connectivity of information

Key observations:

Sasol presents a concise overview of the company strategy while also conveying some contextual information. In setting out the near to medium-term strategy for profitable growth in a clear diagrammatical format, Sasol provides the reader with an understanding of how the different elements fit together. Initially the four ‘Group imperatives’ are identified which form the basis of the company’s Group focus areas providing the reader with an understanding of what characteristics the business is striving for.

These imperatives are supported by three ‘foundation pillars’ which form the basis of the company’s strategic priorities.  Overlaying these are five ‘sustainable growth pillars’ which provides further granularity around how Sasol will achieve its goals. All of these elements work together to achieve Sasol’s ‘definition of victory’, which is to grow shareholder value sustainably.

Sasol uses clear signposting to further information to supplement the strategic discussion and to demonstrate the connectivity of the strategy to other elements of the Report.

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