Tata Steel · Integrated Report 2019 · Risks and opportunities

  • The capitals
  • Connectivity of information

Key observations:

Tata Steel's Integrated Report demonstrates connectivity of information (para. 3.6 of the International <IR> Framework) when describing the main risks that could affect the organization's ability to create value in the short-, medium-, and long-term (para. 4.37 of the International <IR> Framework), and how those risks present challenges to the company pursuing its strategy (para. 4.34 of the International <IR> Framework) and relate to impacts on the capitals (para. 4.37 of the International <IR> Framework). It does this with a table of the company's key risks: for each risk the company has provided a narrative explanation of the risk and its mitigation strategies, as well as icons indicating the strategic objectives and the capitals impacted (these icons are the same as those used in the diagram explaining the business model earlier in the report).

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