· Performance

  • Connectivity of information
  • Consistency and comparability
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) measures its three strategic objectives of ‘maximising revenue’, ‘improving customer services’, and ‘reducing costs’ with a number of KPIs. For each strategic objective, the organization provides an overview of achievements, with key figures, year-on-year comparable data and future targets. In doing so, the report effectively connects strategy to performance, while also linking past performance to future prospects. Brief people-based case studies, as well as more detailed case studies, supplement the narrative and help to give context as to how HMRC is fulfilling its objectives. Finally, at the end of the section a detailed summary of the KPIs which are used to measure each strategic objective is provided. In sum, this section provides both a review of performance and an insight into how this was achieved. 

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