Sanlam Ltd. · Integrated Report 2015 · Business model

  • Stakeholder relationships

Key observations:

Sanlam delves into a high level of detail when communicating the outcomes that its business model generates for its stakeholders. The business model is presented with detail on capital inputs, activities and a summary of outcomes (4.12 of the International <IR> Framework) before a further spread shows the specific positive and negative outcomes for Sanlam’s five main stakeholder groups (3.39 and 4.19 of the International <IR> Framework). This information could be made more concise by only including sufficient context to understand the organization’s performance (3.37 of the International <IR> Framework).


Additional pages provide further detail on value creation for each stakeholder group. These incorporate tables of key indicators which quantify the value and information on Sanlam’s relationships with, and approach to, various stakeholder groups (3.10 of the International <IR> Framework).

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