
  1. Strategy and resource allocation

    As per 3.3 and 3.36 of the IR Framework, Orange clearly and concisely communicate their strategy regarding technological innovation, and how thid will create value over the long term. They present metrics in a bold manner to demonstrate their rollout of 5G, and explain how the technology is aligned with their strategy. 

  2. Strategy and resource allocation

    ABN Amro demonstrates excellent future orientation and strategic focus in the strategy section of its 2020 IR. The Bank identifies 10 key strategic targets for 2024 against specific metrics. These are all linked to its three strategic pillars. Besides these strategic targets, operational strategic targets have also been set for each year leading up to…

  3. Strategy and resource allocation

    Aveng’s 2019 Integrated Report provides a clear Materiality section to describe a three-step process to determine the material issues that affect the organisation’s ability to create and sustain value over the short, medium and long term.  Guided by the paragraph 3.18 of the IIRC’s <IR> Framework, the report details their approach to each stage of…

  4. Strategy and resource allocation

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries uses a two-page spread to convey its 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2018 Medium-Term Business Plans. For the current 2018 Medium-Term Business Plan, in line with paragraph 4.27 of the <IR> Framework, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries communicates what the company wants to achieve and how it intends to get there. It highlights how it…

  5. Strategy and resource allocation

    Implats uses the CEOs review to highlight the important strategic and forward looking aspects of the business. This includes a diagram of the 6 CEO priority areas supported by brief explanations of what is required under each area. This is followed by a dashboard of targets for each area, including a longer term target up…

  6. Strategy and resource allocation

    Anglo Platinum’s Report provides an overview of the commercial, social and environmental context in which the company operates in the CEO’s review, and also includes a focus on strategy and future prospects under the headings of “repositioning the portfolio for a sustainable future” and “outlook” (covering financial, market and operational outlook context). The CEO’s review…

  7. Strategy and resource allocation

    The stakeholder section in Cbus’ Annual Report demonstrates the extent to which the company understands the needs and expectations of their stakeholders and the ways in which they respond to them. The section outlines the tools, such as a user-friendly website platform, that the company has developed to better understand their members’ needs and expectations,…

  8. Strategy and resource allocation

    Oceana Group’s 2016 Integrated Report concisely connects the stakeholder discussion to materiality and strategy, thereby aligning with both ‘3A – Strategic focus and future orientation’ and ‘3B – Connectivity of Information’ of the International <IR> Framework. A summary infographic initially highlights Oceana’s eight key stakeholder groups, which is supported by introductory narrative. Each of these…

  9. Strategy and resource allocation

    Kumba Iron Ore’s 2016 Integrated Report includes a detailed spread on ‘Addressing stakeholder interests’, which opens with a summary of the five criteria used when prioritising stakeholders. Following this are tables which illustrate, for each stakeholder group, the engagement channels Kumba have used and key issues raised. The three biggest priority issues for Kumba are…

  10. Strategy and resource allocation

    As aligned with the view that “value created by an organization over time manifests itself in increases, decreases or transformations of the capitals caused by the organization’s business activities and outputs” (International <IR> Framework, para. 2.4), in its 2016 Integrated Report Aspiag Service S.r.l. – Despar Nordest clearly identifies and outlines the complex interdependencies between…