
  1. Risks and opportunities

    In its 2019 Integrated Report, Arguden Governance Academy concisely represents how it manages its risks and opportunities. Using a table format, Arguden outlines the specific risks (both external and internal) that can affect its ability to create value in the short, medium and long term, as well the time-frame of their occurrence, how they are…

  2. Risks and opportunities

    CPA Australia highlights the enterprise risks that are most relevant to its strategy in order of priority, in line with paragraph 4.23 of the IR Framework.  For each risk, CPA Australia explains the nature of the risk, highlights the time-frame (stating whether the risk is anticipated to last over the short, medium or long-term), and…

  3. Risks and opportunities

    Aveng’s 2019 Integrated Report provides a clear Materiality section to describe a three-step process to determine the material issues that affect the organisation’s ability to create and sustain value over the short, medium and long term.  Guided by the paragraph 3.18 of the IIRC’s <IR> Framework, the report details their approach to each stage of…

  4. Risks and opportunities

    Kumba Iron Ore provides an in-depth analysis of the material risks and opportunities facing the company. It details how the company is assessing specific risk considerations, such as mitigating catastrophic risks, monitoring emerging risks and committing resources to realising opportunities. It also uses a risk heat map to rate its top 10 residual risks. For…

  5. Risks and opportunities

    York Timbers’ risk discussion presents information in a concise and balanced manner (Sections 3E and 3F of the International <IR> Framework) by showcasing both positive and negative aspects of principal risks using succinct bullet point format. After initially presenting risks in a risk heat matrix, the risk dashboard takes readers through a number of additional…

  6. Risks and opportunities

    In its risk management section, JSW Steel’s integrated report clearly outlines the risks that affect the organisation’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long term. To do so, it presents a table with the main categories of risks, and for each of them, it outlines the risk type, the strategic response, the…

  7. Risks and opportunities

    Tata Steel's Integrated Report demonstrates connectivity of information (para. 3.6 of the International <IR> Framework) when describing the main risks that could affect the organization's ability to create value in the short-, medium-, and long-term (para. 4.37 of the International <IR> Framework), and how those risks present challenges to the company pursuing its strategy (para….

  8. Risks and opportunities

    After clearly outlining Truworths’ approach to identifying material topics, the report presents the seven material issues and provides a consistent, accessible and understandable explanation of each. For each material topic the company demonstrates strong connectivity by disclosing the strategic priorities, key risks, challenges and future objectives.

  9. Risks and opportunities

    To assess the long-term viability of an organisation’s business model, it is key to understand that the organisation not only maximises financial capital outcomes for itself and its shareholders, but also assesses outcomes on other stakeholders. EnBW provides a concise overview of the outcomes for the organisation and its stakeholders in terms of the effect…

  10. Risks and opportunities

    EnBW reports 12 top risks and opportunities and links these with financial, strategic and non-financial KPIs. This assists in the understanding of how the organisation is managed and enables comparisons across time and across organisations.