
  1. Performance

    Barclays Africa’s 2017 Integrated Report effectively demonstrates the connectivity principles in the performance section of its report. Each aspect of the "Performance Reviews" section summarizes "Key matters raised by stakeholders", then connects these interests and needs to the company's material matters which, in turn, are linked to value creation for the organization and for others….

  2. Performance

    This information outlined on this 2 page spread demonstrates well the principle of connectivity through bridging strategy, performance and future priorities; and in so doing, it concisely connects broad ambitions to specific operational elements.  

  3. Performance

    BAE Systems presents a balanced set of KPIs throughout its report, which include both financial and non-financial measures. This is an interesting example of presenting performance in that it explicitly identifies KPIs through the use of a red icon and also highlights those KPIs which form part of the executive director’s annual incentive plan with…

  4. Performance

    Barclays Africa’s 2017 Integrated Report effectively demonstrates the connectivity principles in the performance section of its report. Each aspect of the "Performance Reviews" section summarizes "Key matters raised by stakeholders", then connects these interests and needs to the company's material matters which, in turn, are linked to value creation for the organization and for others….

  5. Performance

    As well as featuring in the business model, information related to the capitals is well integrated across a number of sections within the Group’s report. The “Our Performance over Capitals” section identifies the capitals on which the company depend for success, and details the outcomes and performance (as described by 2.11 of <IR> Framework). In…

  6. Performance

    Mediclinic’s 2017 Annual Report publishes a detailed materiality discussion and highlights that the Integrated Reporting framework was used, alongside GRI, during the materiality assessment. This aligns with 4.47 of the <IR> Framework which calls for a summary of the frameworks used when evaluating material matters. An infographic initially illustrates how each of the six <IR>…

  7. Performance

    Through narrative and KPIs, FarEasTone clearly describes the main activities undertaken to achieve its objectives and the results obtained against each of its four strategic pillars (“Go Prosperous”, “Go Innovative”, “Go Caring” and “Go Inclusive”). This element of its 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility Report helps to answer the questions: “Where does the organization want to…

  8. Performance

    In its 2015-2016 Integrated Report ACCA clearly describes which is its 2020 strategy, namely “to be #1 in developing professional accountants the world needs”. In order to do so, it depicts in a table which are the key strategic outcomes (lead, attract, develop, sustain, our difference) into which this vision has been articulated and the…

  9. Performance

    As aligned with the view that “All organizations depend on various forms of capital for their success” (International <IR> Framework, para. 2.10), in its 2016 Integrated Report TSKB clearly identifies how the six capitals have contributed to its value creation process during the year. At first, a table concisely summarises the main activities into which…

  10. Performance

    The section of Iberdrola’s Integrated Report 2017 titled “Our Assets” describes how its resources have been managed in order to create value. The assets accord with the categories and description of the six capitals suggested by the fundamental concept “The Capitals” (International <IR> Framework, para. 2.15). Information is provided for each of the capitals through…